DIGITory/Codes2014. 12. 16. 11:48


'DIGITory > Codes' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by Joe.C
Code/Python2014. 12. 15. 17:43

# -*- coding: 949 -*-

위와 같이 949 혹은 cp949 ms949... 등과 같이 선언하면 됨.


ubuntu에서는 'SyntaxError: 'cp949' codec can't decode bytes in position 20-21: illegal multibyte sequence' 와 같은 에러가 발생 함.

ubuntu의 한글코드 기본값이 utf-8이므로,
파이썬 코드를 편집할 때 첫째줄에
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
을 추가하시면 됩니다.   (출처 : "https://kldp.org/node/81708")

Posted by Joe.C
DIGITory/Ubuntu2014. 12. 9. 11:49

when I tried to install ubuntu 12.04, I got this error.

"/usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-timezone.py" follows the message "ubiquity crashed with ValueError in raw_decode(): No JSON object could be decoded"

this is the discussion of ubuntu forum : "http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1965802.html"

and I fixed this that unplugged network cable.

Posted by Joe.C